
Kingsoft | Cloud Services Experts around the World

Kingsoft Cloud Holdings is a leading independent cloud service provider in China. As a global provider of premium cloud services, Kingsoft Cloud endeavors to provide superior Infrastructure as a Service to help users gain a first-mover advantage in voice, image, video, and many other AI application scenarios. Kingsoft Cloud has built a comprehensive and reliable cloud platform consisting of extensive cloud infrastructure, cutting-edge cloud products and well-architected industry-specific solutions across public cloud and enterprise cloud. Kingsoft Cloud sets up a new medical and healthcare cloud structure for users based on the core concept of “ABC” (Algorithm, Big Data, and Cloud), relying on its top-level cloud resources, abundant cloud products and excellent cloud service. Kingsoft Cloud digital supply chain financial platform is a characteristic industry and finance platform based on the implement at ion of the block chain .The platform will ultimately help companies to achieve cost reduction, revenue increasing ,asset revitalization, and business intelligence.