
Veritone | Enterprise AI Software, Applications, and Services Provider

Veritone, Inc. is an American artificial intelligence technology company based in Irvine, California founded in 2014. As a leading AI and machine learning company, Veritone continues the power ahead in building human-centred enterprise AI solutions. Veritone Inc (Veritone) is a provider of cloud-based artificial intelligence (AI) technology service through its flagship aiWARE platform. The company’s Enterprise AI Platforms, include aiWARE Engines, aiWARE Integrations, aiWARE for Alteryx, aiWARE for Snowflake, aiWARE for Axcelerate and aiWARE for Relativity. The company augments the human workforce by transforming use-case concepts into industry-leading AI applications and solutions. Its aiWARE technology is licensed and used by leading global media conglomerates, professional sports teams, federal government agencies, energy utilities and police departments. As the foundation of Veritone’s AI solutions, aiWARE is a leading enterprise AI platform that ingests data from multiple sources, using hundreds of AI engines to help developers and application users successfully transform data sources like audio, video and text. Likewise, its unique architecture allows for real-time processing and analysis.