
EdgeTensor | Cloud AI & Smart Camera Solutions

As per company’s Linkedin page, “At Edgetensor, we lead the way in fleet management innovations. Our advanced technology is revolutionizing fleet operations, emphasizing safety, and boosting efficiency. Our suite includes an AI-driven fleet management dashboard and a sophisticated on-device AI SDK, positioning us as your comprehensive solution for fleet management needs. We’re committed to empowering organizations with actionable insights, promoting smarter mobility, enhancing driver safety, and fostering revenue growth opportunities.” According to company’s website, ‘Our comprehensive multi-camera mobility video analytics platform offers businesses invaluable insights to enhance efficiency, cut costs, and boost revenue. To ensure we stay on track, we focus on key top-line and bottom-line metrics.AI driven decision making – Experience the power of real-time data and instant alerts with our platform, enabling businesses to swiftly seize opportunities and address challenges. It’s the key to unlock your business’s full potential.”

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