
Gong | Revenue Intelligence Platform

Gong captures customer interactions then delivers insights at scale, empowering teams to make decisions based on data instead of opinions. Engage customers, forecast accurately, and improve team productivity, all in one revenue intelligence platform. As per company’s website, “Years ago, while CEO at another company, Amit Bendov had an idea. His teams were consistently losing deals and no one understood why. After reviewing sales calls and emails in search of a solution, Amit realized that team members were hearing only part of the customer interaction. Lacking an efficient process for accessing and synthesizing customer communications, executives and their teams would spend hours reviewing CRM notes. Despite this laborious effort, most still resorted to guesswork rather than what customers were actually telling them when making crucial business decisions. The results were inefficient seller workflows, misaligned teams, failed strategic initiatives, and lost deals. Today, Gong transforms revenue organizations by harnessing customer interactions to increase business efficiency, improve decision-making and accelerate revenue growth. The Revenue Intelligence platform uses proprietary AI technology to enable teams to capture every customer interaction, understand and act on all customer interactions in a single, integrated platform. More than 4,000 companies around the world rely on Gong to support their go-to-market strategies and grow revenue efficiently.”

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