
Archera | Platform Helping Customers Save on their Cloud Spend

Archera actively manages and de-risks your cloud management through building forecasts, prioritizing right-sizing & modernization opportunities, executing optimal commitment plans and protecting your cloud commitments with guaranteed buybacks. Archera’s Guaranteed Reserved Instances are protected with guaranteed buy-back, allowing teams to achieve savings rates of over 30% but sell back the commitment as soon as one month after purchase. They provide significant savings over On-Demand or 1 year Savings Plans. Perfect for short-term projects, seasonality, and more. Get complete visibility into your past, present, and future cloud costs. Attribute costs to custom segments using rules based on everything from accounts to native AWS and synthetic Archera tags. Use our scenario analysis tool to forecast spend and prepare budgets for different situations. Measure your performance based on KPIs that are important to your business. Optimize both your infrastructure and purchasing strategy. Use the Purchase Planner to find the ideal set for cloud commitments such as AWS Reserved Instances and Savings Plans. Use our right-sizing recommendations to efficiently prioritize and track scheduled infrastructure changes for pinpoint accurate usage forecasts.