
Drupal | Open-Source Web Content Management System

Drupal is a free and open-source web content management system written in PHP and distributed under the GNU General Public License. Drupal is a free, Open Source content management system (CMS) to build and maintain websites, online directories, e-commerce stores, intranets and other types of digital content. It can be used by individuals or groups of users and is a useful CMS for developers, marketers and agencies. Drupal is a flexible CMS based on the LAMP stack, with a modular design allowing features to be added and removed by installing and uninstalling modules, and allowing the entire look and feel of the website to be changed by installing and uninstalling themes. The key distinction between WordPress and Drupal lies in their usability and scalability. WordPress is user-friendly, ideal for small to medium-sized websites, while Drupal offers greater customization and scalability for large enterprise-level projects with complex requirements.

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