
Exotel | Customer Engagement & Experience

Exotel is a cloud phone system that helps startups manage customer calls professionally, without the need for bulky & expensive telephony equipment. With Exotel, you can gain access to enterprise-grade features at a low cost and improve sales & support productivity. As per company’s website, “We deliver technologies that transform communication between humans and companies. Transform your customer engagement & customer experience with AI for increased revenue, reduced costs, and improved CX. Exotel is a leading provider of AI transformation to enterprises for customer engagement and experience. With over 20 billion annual conversations across Omni channel, voice, agents and bots, Exotel is trusted by more than 7000 clients worldwide, spanning industries such as BFSI, Logistics, Consumer Durables, E-commerce, Healthcare and Education. Customer expectations are evolving, and businesses face the challenge of balancing the need for increased revenue, optimized costs, and exceptional customer experience (CX). Exotel steps forward as your transformative partner, offering an AI-powered communication solution to address all three! Exotel’s impact extends beyond the agent experience. AI co-pilots automate repetitive tasks, freeing up valuable resources and reducing operating costs. Additionally, AI-powered self-serve options empower customers to find answers independently, boosting overall CX.”

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