
Fabrick | Open Platform that Combines Open Banking & Open Payment Services

Fabrick and its subsidiaries serve over 100.000 clients all over the world. According to the company’s Social Media pages, “Fabrick is a European Open Platform, which empowers businesses to transform their end-to-end value chain through modular, easy-to-integrate and future-ready Open Finance solutions. By offering PSD2 services – such as data aggregation, payment initiation, advanced credit scoring, personal and business financial management – combined on its platform with: payment orchestration services, payment acceptance, collecting, split payments, reconciliation and digital lending, Fabrick addresses different use cases, enabling businesses from any sector to embed payment and banking services seamlessly into their products through APIs.” Company website says, “We promote a new way of doing finance by supporting the collaboration of fintechs, businesses and financial institutions on our open platform, internationally. Our platform combines Open Banking and Open Payment services, enabling the co-creation of new business models and innovative services, fostering growth and opportunities for all participants and delivering the concrete advantages of innovation to the end customer, either consumer or business.”