Publish with Us

Submit Your Content

Do you have news, articles, reports, events, or interviews to share with our audience? We welcome submissions on our website! If you have valuable content related to cloud company or product, or other relevant topics, we’d love to hear from you.

Submission Guidelines:

Content Type:

  • News: Share the latest updates, announcements, or industry news related to cloud.
  • Articles: Contribute original articles, opinion pieces, case studies, or tutorials on topics relevant to our audience.
  • Reports: Submit research reports, market analyses, or whitepapers exploring trends and insights about cloud.
  • Events: Promote upcoming events, webinars, conferences, or workshops.
  • Interviews: Share insightful interviews with industry experts, thought leaders, or innovators.

Content Format:

Please submit your content in a Word document or PDF format, with proper formatting, headings, and citations (if applicable).

For event submissions, include event details such as date, time, location (if applicable), agenda, speakers, and registration information.

Length and Tone:

Articles, reports, and interviews should typically be between 250 to 1500 words.

Maintain a professional and engaging tone that resonates with our audience of industry professionals and technology enthusiasts.

Images and Multimedia:

Include relevant images, charts, or multimedia content to accompany your submission, with proper attribution if necessary.

Submission Process:

Please email your content from your official email id to [email protected] with the subject line indicating the type of submission (e.g., “News Submission,” “Article Submission,” etc.).

Our editorial team will review your submission and notify you of the status.

We appreciate your contributions and look forward to sharing your insights with our audience!